Olives do play a major role in the Mediterranean diets. They are usually eaten whole and are widely used for cooking and flavoring. Olives are popular as a delicacy in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. There are many different olive varieties that involve shelf-live and flavor texture.
Olives have been an important form of agriculture in Spain for a long time. They are also found in parts of Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Arabian Peninsula, southern Asia, China, the Canary Islands, and Mauritius and Reunion. Some of these Olive species are cultivated and naturalized in countries such as France, Egypt, and the US.
Olives are regarded as zesty vegetables that are available year round and are famous for additions to salads, meat and poultry dishes, and pizza. Olives tend to be bitter and must be cured in order to reduce their bitterness. Olive processing methods vary with variety, region of cultivation, texture and color. Some olives may be picked unripe while others are fully ripened. Most olives start off green and turn black when fully ripe while others remain green.
Olives are critical to Mediterranean Cuisines mainly for health reasons. An olive phytonutrient has linked olives to prevent bone loss and treatment of inflammatory problems, including allergy-related inflammation. Olives are a good source of vitamin E, zinc and selenium. Olives are known for their provision of anti-inflammatory properties. These components do play a major role in cardiovascular health. By providing rich supplies of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, the prevention of breast and stomach cancer can be encouraged.
While cooking, olives can be used on top of pizzas, added to sauces, salads and martinis. Olives are best used towards the end of cooking in order to prevent any bitter flavoring. Water curing, brine curing, and lyre curing are the most treatment processes for different kinds of olives. Olives can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. The nectar the olives produce is known as olive oil.
Olives are not just used as a food delicacy in the Mediterranean cuisine, their health benefits are taken seriously.